Announcing Conduit on Relay.FM
Source: https://relay.fm/conduit 🔗
I'm happy to announce my new project, Conduit!
Conduit is a new show on RelayFM! I'll be joined by Kathy Campbell as we tackle productivity in a personal, realistic, and hopefully fun and engaging way!
This show covers productivity topics in both work and life that don't have a hashtag. Topics like I get jealous of all my friends' success and it makes me feel like a failure! or How can I make my work projects seem as fun as my projects in Minecraft!
We're not promoting a methodology or a system. We aren't productivity professionals with articles, blog posts, courses, or books to promote! There won't be much talk about the apps or tools that we use (maybe a little in Episode 1, but that's intentional).
We believe we have the tools to do your best work in that moment. We just need to thinking about how we're using them and making some small adjustments.
We'll share our experiences and try small experiments to see what happens. In the show, Kathy and I will commit to an episode, themed goal to give us the productivity boost we were looking for. Some will work, some will fail (It be like that sometimes). We encourage you to come up with your own connections and tell us how things are going using #MyConduit on twitter. We'll review and share results on the following episode.
I hope you'll join us! Episode 0 is out now and the first episode launches later this week! You can subscribe using your podcatcher of choice today!