It ain't just me!

I'm hoping to figure out how to get folks that are capable hired all over the world. Many of these folks are more talented than I am but their hometown is the biggest barrier to getting them hired.


on Mon, 01 Jul 2024 19:30:00 -0500 🔗

Ruto refuses to sign the finance bill as is but their Parliament vote was 64% yes. They only need to flip 3-4 people to get a large-enough majority to pass it anyway.

Kenyans, (If it is okay for an American with many Kenyan friends to speak up), keep the pressure on your politicians.

Americans, find some Kenyan folks to learn from and be as loud as you are about your least favorite OLD WHITE DUDE IN CHARGE.


on Wed, 26 Jun 2024 08:22:00 -0400 🔗

I've been trusting dependabot more and more and nore I'm using Anthony Shaw's ( Dependabot-bot.

Of course I'm not suggesting that you blindly merge PRs but I'm also being honest that without maintainers, lots of folks are doing this anyway.

Also as a contingency I'm only autoapproving the updates from the main dependencies and not their dependencies.

Also not auto publishing releases and all releases are tested before a publish will go through.

on Fri, 21 Jun 2024 08:00:00 -0800 🔗

I'm really excited to see the results of the interview that I did with #TheNewStack.

It turned out great! Even gave some good shoutouts to some communities we're heavily invested in!

on Fri, 31 May 2024 08:28:00 +0000 🔗

I hope folks in the US remember this #MemorialDay, Since 9/11 - more service members and veterans die by suicide than combat every year.

I'm a veteran and I struggle with depression and PTSD. I lost one of my brothers-in-arms and groomsmen to drug abuse and suicide. There isn't a week that goes by where I don't think of him; today I write this through tears of guilt.

Do the simple thing ask a service-member how they're doing and how is their mental health.

Me in my military days as a Private First Class

on Mon, 27 May 2024 20:47:10 +0000 🔗

Best of luck to Black Python Devs founding member @felipedemorais_ on his #PyConUS workshop starting in a few minutes!

Wakanda Forever

on Wed, 15 May 2024 16:42:07 +0000 🔗

Nigerian Students learning Python! Join Black Python Devs today to receive one of our 75 free tickets for Pycon Nigeria later in July! More information at -]

Black Python Devs x PyCon Nigeria

on Tue, 14 May 2024 20:34:36 +0000 🔗

Been playing Rusty's retirement and I just wish I had steam on my work computer so I can stay engaged with work (and my crops).

on Tue, 14 May 2024 17:47:52 +0000 🔗

I had a blast on stream today with Jason Lengstorf.

It seems that FastAPI is rather intuitive for Javascript users. I would definitely encourage others to dive right in!

on Thu, 08 Feb 2024 20:35:38 +0000 🔗

Folks in Black Python Devs this month have been crushing it. Tomorrow (Friday 1 Feb 2024), we'll be sharing a selection of some of the accomplishments shared from our community's members in our first newsletter post.

Sign up for a (currently) monthly recap from our community and support our members.

on Wed, 31 Jan 2024 23:51:01 +0000 🔗

I missed an important point on my short yesterday!

I mentioned that you can convert tasks in a single GitHub issue into their own issue.

Closing that issue also marks that task as complete!

on Wed, 31 Jan 2024 20:27:29 +0000 🔗

I was able to get my first PyPI publishing workflow using the trusted publishers workflow really easy...

I'm a fan of good docs so I'll just share their link instead of creating another one.

One minor thing I that got me is that your repo name is case-sensative so if you're having issues check repo casing.

on Tue, 30 Jan 2024 00:01:05 +0000 🔗

This extension means that I never have to manually open a bunch of files that match a pattern again!

Check out Open Multiple Files

on Tue, 05 Dec 2023 15:41:13 +0000 🔗

My talk from Refactr.Tech is now live on YouTube.

Listening back I feel like I was a little aggressive, however I'm super happy with the overall vibe of the talk.

I definitely hope to give the talk again in the future.

on Tue, 05 Dec 2023 00:19:11 +0000 🔗

Building projects you don't think anyone uses is way more fun when you have so many people helping! Render Engine had 5 new contributors this month.

Should out to:

I hope to continue improving Render Engine and start providing more examples of be being used in different ways

on Tue, 21 Nov 2023 17:23:25 +0000 🔗

create a pre-release for your project using the gh cli

gh release create <VERSION> --generate-notes -p

the release version of this command is without the p.

on Fri, 17 Nov 2023 02:05:35 +0000 🔗

Reminder that if you're deploying an app with a cli... if you want to be able to python -m call that app... You'll need to add a to your project.

on Fri, 17 Nov 2023 01:50:27 +0000 🔗

I wrote a little about my US Conference City Diversity Metric. You can find it on the Black Python Devs Blog -

on Sat, 11 Nov 2023 22:05:55 +0000 🔗

The last interview in this DjangoCon perspectives, I sat down in Panda Studios with @AutomationPanda and we talked a bit about the benefits of the conference local to you and the feelings of Keynoting for your hometown crowd!

on Thu, 02 Nov 2023 17:11:27 +0000 🔗

In this interview, I chat with my amazing friend Felipe de Morais, CoFounder of AfroPython.

Felipe shares how both Brazilian and US Python communities can learn from one another what it means to see folks that look like you on the stage and around the conference.

on Wed, 01 Nov 2023 13:57:22 +0000 🔗